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Sweet Yoni Steam 🐱🌿

Sweet Yoni Steam 🐱🌿

Regular price $23.00 USD
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Sweet Yoni Steam 🐱🌿


Our Sweet Yoni Steam is catered to your flower. Between periods, sexual intercourse, clothing and other products, our vaginas go through so much. Blow off some steam with a long practiced process of vaginal steaming. This natural remedy has been accepted and used by different cultures to naturally treat your reproductive organs. Vaginal steaming is believed to cleanse and purify the vagina and uterus. Our steam is handcrafted and made with all natural ingredients. It serves several beneficial purposes for your lovely flower down stairs. Designed to honor, the most sacred parts of you. It is a beautiful mix of vagina loving herbs and roots that just make sense. 

Size(s): 2oz (Two sessions)

What is Vaginal Steaming?

A vaginal steaming is the process that involves a woman sitting over a pot or bowl of simmering herbs, allowing the steam to travel up her vaginal canal to her uterus.

This indigenous practice has been done by women worldwide for centuries. It is done for medical and healing purposes. Typically the herbs used in a vaginal steam encourage the natural shedding of the uterus, allowing old matter to be removed & new energy to flow into the uterus.

What are the benefits of using our Sweet Yoni Steam?

♡ Removing old matter from the vagina and the uterus.

♡ Encouraging blood flow and energy movement in the uterus.

♡ Increase in vaginal wetness.

♡ Allowing the benefits of herbs to get right to the vagina.

How often should you perform a Yoni Steam?

You can perform yoni steaming at home two to three times a month. Just make sure you’re not on your period.

If you’re experiencing menstrual symptoms, you can do this herbal steam two to three times within the week before you have your menstruation.

If you have a chronic infection, you can perform vaginal steaming up to three times per week. This helps you get the best results.

If you have fertility problems, perform yoni steam once per week. You can also do it twice during pre-ovulation. This makes your vaginal tissues moist and filled with clear fluids. Do this procedure for three months to see results.

For postpartum, yoni steaming can be done three times per week for four weeks. This helps promote wound healing and toning of the womb and vagina. Make sure you’re no longer bleeding, and there are no open wounds.

For women experiencing menopause, steam at least three times per year for maintenance. However, you can steam more often if you feel it’s alright. Moist heat helps keep your lady parts moisturized.

Do NOT perform vaginal steaming if:

    • You’re pregnant or an expecting mother

    • Do not use this product if you are breastfeeding as the herbs may be harmful to your baby. You may take a mini-break (2-3 days) from breastfeeding if you decide you still want to use it.

    • You're menstruating

    • You're using an Intrauterine device (IUD)

  • there is a very small chance of your IUD dislodging due to the effects of the herbs. If you decide to still use it, it is at your own risk.

  • You have open wounds or sores

  • You have a chronic condition in your reproductive system

  • Do not use this product if you are on hormone replacement therapy or if you have kidney disease, this is due to the herb sasparilla.

  • Right after vaginal intercourse, wait at least 2 hours after to use.

Other Precautions:

  • Never use essential oils. They're too concentrated for yoni steaming.

  • Remove genital piercings to prevent possible burns on the skin.

  • Make sure that you do it at a mild temperature to avoid scalding. 

What are the main ingredients used in our Sweet Yoni Steam?

🌸 Red Roses: known to have anti-bacterial properties. It is also a cooling and astringent to the vaginal tissues. It also tightens as well. 

🌸 Sarsaparilla Root: known to increases libido, blood flow in the uterus, and aids in the detoxification of the body.

🌸 Wormwood: has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. It helps to eliminate parasites and harmful bacterium’s from the body including systemic yeast and bacterial vaginosis infections.

🌸 Dandelion: has an antioxidant and diuretic. It increases circulation and stimulate the secretions of mucous membranes throughout the body. It can also help restore vaginal lubrication which can be lost due to menopause, cancer or breast feeding. It helps improve endocrine and reproductive health. It helps rid excess estrogen, sugars, and toxins of the body.

🌸 Lavender: is antiseptic, sedative, relaxes nerves and muscles. It 

can be effectively used in the treatment of vaginal discharges. It is also antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is soothing and  powerful cleansing properties for a healthy vaginal environment.

🌸 Calendula: is cleansing, lessens inflammation, helps soothe vaginal tissue, heals minor abrasions, and discourages infection. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps poorly healing wounds. It also helps ease and treat cramping and heaviness.

🌸 Motherwort: great for fatigue, cramps, and to aid relaxation. It 

has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It might also help fight bacteria and stimulate the uterus.

🌸 Basil: uterine stimulant. 

It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can help treat vaginal burning and itching.

🌸 Rosemary: It increases blood circulation to the reproductive organs. It has an astringent, and relaxant effect on uterus, relieves cramps, and helps regulate periods

🌸 Chamomile: soothes vaginal tissue. It reduces symptoms such as odor and swelling in women with vaginal infections and promotes wound healing. It helps with relieving cramping, tension, and pain.

🌸 Clove: has antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-diabetic properties. Also, it contains anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anesthetic and pain relieving properties. It increases libido, neural stimulation and general sexual health properties.

🌸 Peppermint: Helps energize, stimulate, and restore of the vagina. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. It is used to help treat vaginal conditions that can lead to persistent odors.

🌸 Angelica Root: is effective for menstrual cramps, and can help to strengthen thinning vaginal tissue in menopausal women. Soothing treatment for urinary tract infections.

🌸 Oat Straw:  It supports the central nervous system, relieving stress, which is tied to sexual health and desire. It has a soothing, calming effect on the body and can elevate mood. It eases bladder spasms, incontinence, uterine pain and vaginal dryness.

Full Ingredients: Red Roses, Lavender, Motherwort, Calendula, Rosemary, Clove, Dandelion, Chamomile, Peppermint,Angelica Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Wormwood, Oat Straw, Basil

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The provider presumes no responsibility for any adverse reactions from the usage of the products or services. As with any herbal supplement or medication, always consult with your doctor or physician before use.


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We are

  • Black Women Owned
  • Natural
  • Cruelty free 🐰
  • Handmade with Love 💗

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